Saturday, September 4, 2010

Just another day

Dear friends,

Lisa went to the doctor this morning and checked out fine. The doctor said of her incision that it looked “perfect” so thanks to all who prayed for that. I got through the memorial service fine today, thanks for those prayers as well. As I felt the Lord carrying me through it I was trying to describe the experience to myself and I likened it to my wife, giving birth, with an epidural (she does very very well with epidurals). So it was like I was there, and I knew it should hurt, but somehow it didn’t. Praise the Lord for his help!

Madeline is doing well today, they have been weaning her off the ventilator all night and she is now on the lowest setting and she handled it all quite well. They moved the MRI to tomorrow at 3:30pm. They plan to keep her on the ventilator until then, and then try to move to a CPAP machine again. Pray this goes well. We meet with the geneticist, I admit I am worried about what results they may have. Please pray for us as we get this news, pray it is nothing too bad. My brother told me that news is news and we tend to categorize it as good or bad depending on how we feel about it. God sees things very differently and we don’t know all that he knows. So what think might be good or bad, may not be.

Another cardiologist came in today to see Madeline, he told us again how she is a real borderline case and his intent was to preserve both ventricles of the heart if it were possible to use them both but also said a 1 ventricle heart repair is still better than 1 good and 1 bad ventricle. MRI will reveal a lot.

Please pray for us as we meet with the geneticist here in a little bit. Pray for the MRI tomorrow that it reveals good news (there I go again). Pray for Madeline to grow and get stronger each day. Pray for Cindy, she is the fiancée of Mark, my friend who passed away on Saturday.

Shanker & Lisa

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