Saturday, September 4, 2010

Hello friends,

The last 2 days have been calm. Madeline had her MRI yesterday afternoon, they had to sedate her with anesthetic for the procedure. It took her about 6 hours after that until she was breathing well on her own again. She is still intubated so they just turned the settings on the ventilator up until she was better at breathing on her own again. It reminds me of how fragile her life is right now. The cardiologists were by this morning to see Madeline and haven’t looked at the MRI images yet. They plan on looking those over today and then meeting with us early this afternoon.

Meanwhile, I am trying to settle back down into work. It’s hard as I would have expected, how can I be here when Madeline is all alone at the hospital? Most of the time someone is with her (either mommy or me) but what about those other times? Does she know we still care and love her? So trying to get work done while being distracted is a little tough. I am happy to get back into the swing of things though.

Please pray for the results from the doctors today. Please pray especially for Madeline’s heart that the left side would be sufficient for her and that the can repair the other (less major) things with just 1 surgery, or miraculously with no surgery at all. Pray that her current condition will allow her time to grow before any surgeries or permanent decisions need to be made. Pray that God would be glorified in this. Pray also for Lisa and I as we try to settle down into a routine. Pray that God would use us in His way at the hospital. And I feel like I can never thank you all enough.

Shanker & Lisa.

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